The words in Iceland are really phrases. If you know a few key words, it will help you find some places you might like to see.

Key words for tourists and photographers:

  • Foss - Waterfall

  • Jökull - Glacier
  • Lónið - Lagoon

  • Götu - Street
  • Vegur - Road
  • Bakarí - Bakery
  • Kaffi - Coffee
  • Lakkris - Licorice (they put it in chocolate candy)

Below are a few of the more complicated road signs. Google maps worked great for us. It sure saved us the headache of trying to read the signs so quickly.

 Food is expensive in Iceland. Save money by shopping at the local grocery stores. We found Bonus to have the best prices on basic groceries. Try their yogurt. It's really delicious. Bonus is also a fun place to find food gifts to take home. We took home American Doritos and plenty of chocolate candy bars. Some of the Icelandic candy bars have black licorice (lakkris) in them. I hear they are delicious.


THE HANDKNITTING ASSOCIATION OF ICELAND located in Reykjavic is the best place to buy yarn.

Favorite Places:

  • Hallgrímskirkja Church - pay the money to ride the elevator to the top. 

  • BRAUÐ & CO - Dave's favorite bakery. Everything there was delicious.

  • Reykjavik Zoo - It's mostly farm animals, but there are a few wild animals there.

  • Glacier Lagoon/Diamond Beach - You can walk from one to the other.

  • Icelandic Fish and Chips - The fried fish was excellent.

  • Bæjarins Beztu Pylsur -  Amazing hot dogs.

  • Fjallsárlón Glacial Lagoon - Between Foss Glacier Lagoon Hotel and Diamond Beach/Glacier Lagoon.

  • Foss Glacier Lagoon Hotel - This hotel was very nice and the breakfast was the best food we ate in Iceland (or ever).

  • Gullfoss - An amazing waterfall with two drops located on a river that flows through a deep ravine.

Iceland - day by day

This trip has not been as pleasant or easy as the one five years ago. We were all set to sleep on the plane. Well crying babies and loud people sitting around us didn’t help us overcome the uncomfortable seats on our IcelandAir plane. I swear there is no cushion left in those seats. The staff on the plane were wonderful though. Our grandson was given a fun little back pack filled with goodies including a nice seat of ear phones to use on the plane. We were all given a bottle of cold water as we boarded the plane. Every seat has built in television screens with entertainment options. Our grandson was disappointed that his screen wasn’t working, but the staff provided him with an Ipad loaded with movies and games. For us it really didn’t matter because we were planning on sleeping anyway. Shortly after we reached altitude a flight attendant came and gave our grandson a wonderful boxed meal. He was quite pleased. All other food must be purchased. They didn’t even give out complimentary pretzels or cookies. We were provided with the typical assortments of beverages at no charge. I think our flight crew were quite tired by the end of the flight. They were not near as friendly as we left the plane.

We decided to rent our car from the airport. We had to wait in blustery/cold conditions for the bus to the rental car agency. It seemed to take quite a bit of time for it to arrive. There is not place other than the seats for luggage on the bus. When we dropped our car off (in the daylight), we found that the rental car companies are just across the parking lot – an easy walk from the airport. A good tip, have one person go get the rental car and come back to the airport to pick up the luggage and the others.

We were excited to stay again at Hotel Natura. The staff was wonderful and the facilities were equally so. They upgraded us to a larger room since we were traveling with our 8-year-old grandson this time. There was no extra charge to us for this upgrade. In any case, our room was not ready when we arrived from our long flight. We were planning on sleeping for a bit before we started our day. We ended up trying to sleep in the car. That was about as successful as sleeping on the plane for Dave and I. Our grandson, however, was able to sleep for a few hours. Once we got to our room, we were quite pleased. It was wonderful. It overlooked the airport and the water. It was simply beautiful and very comfortable. The beds and pillows in the hotel were in nice condition. I found them very comfortable. Don’t bother bringing lotions, shampoos and conditioners, or soap if you stay at this hotel. They provide plenty of high quality product in the rooms.

Our Room at Hotel Natura

Our Room at Hotel Natura

Our room at Hotel Natura

Our room at Hotel Natura